(Washington, D.C.) – In advance of National HIV Testing Day, the African-American Coalition Against AIDS (AACAA) has launched www.stophivaids.org to help combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and ramp up awareness of the risks faced by African-Americans.
"This marks an important moment in our ongoing effort to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS. Our hope is to expand the reach of our organization by taking advantage of the enormous power of the internet to educate all African Americans – a community that has been quietly experiencing escalating rates of HIV/AIDS infection," said Felicia Gordon, Senior Board Member of AACAA.
AACAA's programs and efforts are focused on the particular needs of the African-American community. Utilizing an aggressive Street Outreach Program, AACAA volunteers disseminate condoms and educational materials to targeted neighborhoods including public housing complexes, shopping centers, barbershops and hair salons.
AACAA recently reached a milestone by distributing 1 million condoms to residents in impacted neighborhoods throughout Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and New York City as part of their on-the-ground work. With the launch of their new website, AACAA hopes to reach an on-line audience to help further promote fact-based information about HIV/AIDS while encouraging African Americans to get tested and know their status.
"An estimated 1 in 20 residents in Washington, D.C. are now HIV positive. Overcoming the myths and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS is critical in the battle to stop the spread of this disease in the Black community," said Kristen Clarke, Founder and Executive Director of AACAA. Clarke observed that "through our grassroots outreach program and our new website, we hope to advance our efforts to encourage testing, promote the importance of prevention and distribute condoms and fact-based educational material to those most vulnerable to this epidemic."